Sunday, September 23, 2018

alan toothman construction, inc.: BIG hole in the wall, BIG hole in the head

there's an underground hole in the outside wall of my crawl space:

the hole is BIG--about 6 ft. wide and 3 ft. high. The only other openings into the crawl space are the access door that is MUCH smaller than this BIG open hole--sealed with a removable metal door--and small vents that are covered with mesh and screen.

how stupid is that? rain, rodents, snakes, etc. can come right through the BIG hole into the crawl space.

Nicholas, our cat that we adopted from the humane society of warren county, virginia, has nailed 5 mice in 9 months--and counting. 

I suspect that the numbskull builder ran into some rock that he didn't want to excavate, so he decided to leave a BIG hole in the wall.

and how stupid is it that the numbskulls at shenandoah county would allow a BIG hole in an outside wall of a crawl space that is otherwise sealed from the outside?

"stupid is as stupid does." 
Forrest Gump          

alan toothman construction, inc.: BIG hole in the wall, BIG hole in the head.

shenandoah county: defender of alan toothman construction, inc.

citizens of shenandoah county: 
  • you deserve to be protected from construction that doesn't meet the state building code
  • you deserve competent building inspection and code enforcement
  • you deserve county and state government that defends younot lawbreaking builders 

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      shenandoah county
      stony pointe