Friday, December 6, 2019

VOIPO: snail calls

you've heard of snail mail? now VOIPO, the internet phone service, has snail calls. it's called "failover". I'll let VOIPO tell you how it works:

Dec 5, 2019, 10:44 AM (20 hours ago)
to me


Okay just to clarify, the ata is the adapter, the equipment. Failover is a name of the feature, like call forwarding, call waiting. You can see that when you login to your online account, it is also under features tab.

For the failover feature you can either set it to voicemail or forward the call. When the adapter stops working, the failover activates. Example: you set your failover feature to call forward to your cell number. When your Voipo adapter stops working, it will forward the call to that number you place on the failover feature.

For the forwarding, it doesn't depend on wether your adapter is working or not. Once you enable call forward, anyone who calls your Voipo number will forward to the number you set under the call forwarding feature.

As of the moment, the call forwarding has been fixed as well just for an update.

Clark A"

so, if VOIPO's device is down (it happens a lot), and you get an urgent phone call, not to worry. with "failover", you'll get the call eventually--a day or two or more later--when you go to make a call and realize that the VOIPO device is down AGAIN, or when someone tells you that they've been calling you for days and can't get through.

such a deal!!!

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